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Monday, September 3, 2007
5 Ways to Make Money Blogging
Like many of you know, it is not easy to make money blogging. It can even become somewhat of a burden when you think about it. There are countless times that you will just run out of things to say. Don’t worry, though. This happens to the best of them. These six steps will help you make blogging easier, while at the same time, allow you to make money blogging like you originally planned.

• The first thing you need to know, if you have not done so yet, is to subscribe to quality RSS feeds. You might not know it, but you can actually get some amazing ideas by reading RSS feeds on a regular basis. If you really want to make money blogging, this is a great way to stay current on new events want what exactly is going on in the world, or even your own city for that matter. Don’t make the mistake of subscribing to feeds that are not in your niche. You want to keep the information you gather very targeted. Too many people clog their brain with information that is not going to help them

• Writing a review of products and services inside of your certain niche is always a great way to make money blogging. It doesn’t take very long to write a review. If at all possible, you should try the product or service out for a bit before writing a review. The more informed you sound, the more readers will trust your judgment. After all, that is your goal, right? You want readers to come back for more, constantly.

• To make money blogging, you will need to stay current and write about the latest news in your niche. People need to know what is going on, because your readers probably don’t know, which is why they are at your blog. It is extremely easy to write your thoughts on news stories and it will pay off for you big time if done right.

• If you have spare time, or have a rush of writing energy, you should write as many blog posts in one sitting as you can. You can always post just one and set thee other ones to go live on your blog at a specified date. This saves you time and it will also keep a steady stream of fresh content on your blog at all times. This is vital if you want to make money blogging.

• There is also a little secret that will keep readers coming back for more, and get you well on your way to make money blogging. Not because they necessarily want to come back to your blog, but because they have to. Sound weird? Probably, but it is simpler than you think. What you want to do is write a very long blog post. Two to three times longer than you usually would. You will then split the blog post into a two or three part set. All you have to do is post one part at a time, which will leave your readers hanging. This will cause them to come back on a regular basis, trying to see if the 2nd or 3rd part of your blog post is up yet.

Following these simple steps are vital to your blog’s success. If you are looking to make money blogging, these are the simple steps that are needed to easily accomplish this goal.

Need a surefire, step by step approach to make money blogging? Adam Woodham is the author of this article and lists the tips and tricks for creating and maintaining a Blogging Income on his resource blog website
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